Hey, Sir. – Auggie



Hello, Augustine.

…. Good?


Jesus. You did the math on that? I mean, I already figured he might end up a slave, but there’s always a chance he’ll mature and kick his ass into gear, I suppose.

Oh my god nothing works and now I’m just anxious thinking about how slow his progress has been again.


Yes, I did the math, Sir. Call maturity my middle name then because he implied he wanted taking me to New York City to be like a date and in response I told him to earn 100 fucking points before the end of 2017 or my answer was no. And his ‘participation ribbon’ points for the auction event don’t count as part of that.

Elijaaaaaah. – Auggie



Hi Augustine.


Fuck off.

You do realize you could be made to be the Dominant in a presentation next month? That you’ll likely have to Dominate someone sooner than later?  Again, is that an order? Say yes and I promise to walk away and not talk to you any more today. Hell, I’ll never address you by a title again if you say yes. 

Damn it, Elijah. Just say yes so I can get the damn points and make you like an apology gift basket later or something. Whoever wrote this task was an asshole and knows he prefers subbing.. But if I fail someone else is just going to bug him again and again until they get an order out of him. 



I understand. I think it would be great fun to spend that time with friends and just explore somewhere new. Cities aren’t my favorite to live but I definitely want to see them, to see what they have to offer. Sebastian would be fun to travel with, he’s a pretty cool guy.

You think Sebastian’s cool, Sir? Most people tend to… either speak negatively of him or else sexually, Glad to know you think positively of him. I don’t think people give him enough credit sometimes. 


Because I want a single claim future? And you know, getting invested in. attempting such a thing..proper things like that might make things murkier between you two? 

While I don’t have to take someone,  that’s true.  I don’t see why I shouldn’t take a boy I adore to see the fireworks? 

Gave up on the idea of two claims, huh? I mean, that doesn’t really mess with what I already thought was your game plan, but okay. You talked about me being a potential claim while also marrying Wyatt before. This sounds no different. Good for you.  I’m not really sure what you have to do with my relationship with Hunter, Sir?  I mean, aside from the two of you not getting along well, of course. Which I still don’t get– I swear you guys are bipolar with each other at times, but if you both sat down and talked versus fucking, I’d think you had more in common than you realized. 

Really now?


That was a joke. 

Of course, I don’t actually think that.  

Sure. Then why would you say that, Sir? It’s getting awfully hard to tell what’s a joke to you and what isn’t anymore lately, Sir… It’s frustrating. Especially after Halloween. Try thinking a bit before you say shit like that and maybe you’d see how its insulting and not funny to some people who care about you despite a bunch of other shit you’ve done, okay?

PM: Before you ask… Yes… I saw the outfit in your closet and changed mine last minute. I thought it could be fun– which… it was, yeah? – Auggie



PM: Woops. 


You evil little plaything.  That was quite impressive. 

PM:  Mostly because you haven’t done it yet?  And here I had very little indication of your desire to take me apart like that. And while, yes, I might have to agree that your ass might be better than mine.  I certainly shouldn’t deny you the chance to…sate that curiosity. Even if it breaks a few rules that no longer apply to you. 

Oh so humble. 

I do want to spoil you. I want a lazy time to make out and just have you around. K? 

PM: I’ll have you know.. While I definitely lean submissive, I’m not 100% submissive in every way, Sir. I have urges like any other guy… Wants. Desires. So yeah… That whole time period where you loved Wyatt and fucked him and I was trying to fool myself into thinking I could settle for that? That fucking blew. Ain’t no way I’m gonna be able to do that in a claim one day unless it’s polly or some shit versus feeling like I come second. 

You know… that’s so interesting because haven’t I told you? Lazy time is a speciality of mine, Sir. Especially in the presence of charming French Dominants who make me feel loved appreciated with their silly jokes and sweet gestures. Gimme fifteen to pack up my work for class tomorrow? I can bring my bag so I can just leave from your place then if that works.

PM: Before you ask… Yes… I saw the outfit in your closet and changed mine last minute. I thought it could be fun– which… it was, yeah? – Auggie



PM: Woops. 


You evil little plaything.  That was quite impressive. 

PM:  While I get getting something earned by the merits of your work. I’m still allowed to spoil you and, frankly, you’re one of the few I’d even care to spoil as it is. You already get to top me, which hey, big thing. So…you know.  

Well, give it time. Others will respond soon enough, you’re too good to let a chance pass to play with you. 

PM: Speaking of…. big words, Sir. Still hasn’t happened, so….. You know. We’ll see when it actually happens if you really mean that. 

You think far more highly of me than most. I suppose I’m pretty lucky in that regard, but still.  I’m not some amazing sub like some of the others… I have more limits than a lot and I’m not a star student either. Not really ideal practice partner material. Fucking… Hunter called me toxic. If he’s told others that I’m sure it’s ruined their opinions of me as well. 

PM: Were you serious when you said you’d consider breaking your no-being-fucked-by-a-sub rule for me? Or was that just a joke/ you being nice? – Auggie



PM: I was pretty serious. Why? 

PM: Well, you know, it’s a difference sort of situation but hey,  I don’t see…you know, why I shouldn’t let you do it? If you want to try out that new experience.  I’m happy to let you have that experience. 

PM: Bas… Damn it. Was he always this sweet when we slept together before? If only.. Fuck.. If only he wasn’t set on a Dominant boyfriend… I could have done.. well tried polygamy, but not until I was more sure of the Dominant and that wasn’t what he was selling anyways… But he’s been so sweet the last few weeks and I refuse to believe Hunter’s bullshit that it’s just because of the sex. Seb’s been there for me no matter what the request… An ideal friend and Dominant… Damn it. Oh well– I guess it’s not important anyways since I lost my chance with him in regards to this being anything more than a hookup when we ‘split.’ Doesn’t mean I can’t still enjoy this though. 

PM: Okay, Sir. If you’re sure, then I’d really like to do a scene like what we talked about… blindfolded, bound and gagged for you.. sometime soon. Perhaps.. if I’m good, you’ll take that blindfold off too? Like right before you finish, so I can see you?

Why does everyone think I’m so bad? Dare: Find someone you don’t get along with a share a shirt for an hour, walking around campus




I take it you haven’t gotten this dare as well… If not, I still need to know when you have a free hour, particularly tomorrow so we can just get it over with. 

Tomorrow at lunch works for me. 

Oh yeah. You freaked out at my idea that it was probably a good idea for Switches to try subbing and Dominanting at least once each. That’s why you hate me. I’ll see you then, Sir.