Hey, Sir. – Auggie



Hello, Augustine.

I don’t like that attitude, Augustine. Certainly doesn’t inspire me to answer the question.

Inspiration my ass. You just rudely implied I give up easily, Sir. You insulted me for no reason, and you expect me to take that with a smile? Forgive me. How’s this?:

Seems about right for you, Sir? Please explain what you meant by that, because from my point of view this is the pot calling the kettle black. 

PM: Need a favor Sir. Got any stories regarding bad luck befalling Sebastian as of late? Like something crummy happening to to him? -Auggie



PM: Why? @auggiewilde

PM: That when I told Gabe that I wanted more and then meant he couldn’t be that way if he wanted more, he stopped. I guess I’m saying, you should talk to Sebastian and lay it all out but above all else, he has to know he’s not going to ever lose you if hes going to change. 

PM: If I felt a Dominant I was interested in was just as serious and interested, Sir, I wouldn’t. He wouldn’t lose me. Hunter wouldn’t have lost me.. I would have supported him through his entire recovery, but he opted to lose me since he didn’t want a relationship… I wouldn’t leave my Dominant. 


Eh. I’ll be submitting to just about who wins. So you know, the whole “sub” part will be a bit new but you might as well dive in, right? 

Funny. Was starting to think you were pissed at me or something considering I haven’t heard from you since that trick or treating argument… And will it really be that new for you though That’s a good attitude I suppose, Sir.


PM: Auggie, everyone’s weird, okay? I can’t always be nice about Sebastian, so you don’t have to always defend him. I just think their relationship was doomed from the start. Wyatt isn’t the kind of guy who can take a backseat to anything or anyone. And whoever Sebastian ends up with will have to be from time to time. 

Yeah. I like age play, being Little for someone – not quite infantilism but being Little. It’s just hard? Because when i’m Little with someone, I have to be vulnerable in a way that I’m not with other Doms and I get attached and it’s really stupid. But I also need it, so it’s ridiculously frustrating.

PM: I know.. And I don’t expect you to be nice. I’m not defending him because of you, and I prefer you just be yourself honestly. I guess I’m just trying to make sense of it all myself still and how they ever thought that was going to work too. I completely agree with your assessment of Wyatt and yeah.. I actually think the same about Sebastian too unfortunately.. I just wish it wasn’t true.

No.. that makes sense. I can understand that being hard. I actually uh.. I’ve always wanted to try a TPE? But it’s daunting. I came really close to doing one once with Seb and also with Hunter, but it just never happened. A lot of stuff between a Dominant and submissive take trust built over time though, your example included, so it makes sense you’d grow attached and that would make things… rough.  It’s not easy exposing all aspects of yourself and just laying them bare for another individual to react with as they please. 


PM: You know at this point what I have to do though, right? -Auggie



PM: What do you mean?



PM: I’m not like that. I wouldn’t take advantage of someone. Oh, he did? That’s interesting… and fucked up.

I would’ve been down.

PM: Yeah trust me, he and I had a long chat after that… He knows it would have been a shitty thing to do and it wasn’t even that he said he’d for sure do something, but he also didn’t deny. I just.. I thought he was more over Wyatt I guess? I don’t know– I don’t really want to chat about that conversation honestly.

You do know we can’t do that though, right? Like as hot as it would be as as much as I miss sex with you it would bring back way too many emotions right now. 

PM: I need you to answer something for me Sir. Please. A completely hypothetical thing.. but I’m curious, okay? – Auggie



PM: Go for it? 

PM: I don’t know.  That’s sort of a hard what if. And it’s not to dimish your importance but…I was in love with Wyatt then. Like, insanely in love with him.  But after our big clash? You and I properly would have hooked up. 

PM: You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. The same pigheaded reply as Hunter thinking with his cock and not about my emotional well-being at fucking all. It doesn’t matter if you were insanely in love with him or whatever bullshit.. I’m still a person. If I didn’t know but you did– and I’m in a fairly well known state of not-happy with you at the moment, you have to realize how badly that would fuck me up to find out after the fact. 

PM: I’m not coming over tonight. Happy Halloween– hope you had fun trick or treating or getting a blowjob or whatever. 

PM: Before you ask… Yes… I saw the outfit in your closet and changed mine last minute. I thought it could be fun– which… it was, yeah? – Auggie



PM: Woops. 


You evil little plaything.  That was quite impressive. 

PM: I know, I’m just a pure, evil monster. Wyatt would have zero time for our shit. Literally zero.  So…Yeah. I can see him doing that.  

We should fuck sometime in masks. Hey, I’m into it. You know I am. The whole…kinky aspect is awesome as far as I’m concerned. Blindfolds as well. 

You’re aware you’re allowed to make a spoiled request? Since I’m going to totally spoil you anyway. 

But if you want to be freezing….We can go to the hedge maze. 

Did you? Heh. Hopefully, they’re worth your time.  Little Auggie deserves the best. 

PM: Hey I mean.. You know I’m okay with blindfolds too. Where’s the ‘all the above’ option in this list? 

Yeah but when you spoil me like that it makes me think the wrong things, Bas. And I’m not falling down that rabbit hole again when I know you don’t want a romantic claim. Wait– so we’re doing the hedges? Tonight?

And cute, Sir… I appreciate the vote of confidence. He seems nice thus far, no worries. One of the newer Dominants, Tobey.