PM: You might wanna try something a bit more Schadenfreude…He’s more of the laugh at other’s misfortune kinda guy I think. Maybe figure out who he doesn’t like and tell him something unfortunate that happened to them?

PM: I already thought of that. The issue is that person is Sebastian. I asked Caelan if Seb had any embarrassing stories and he refused to help– and I asked Seb himself but haven’t heard back. I feel like a dick anyways resorting to that because unlike Wyatt I actually like Sebastian… 

I mean.. I have considered in general cracking a joke at Sebastian’s expense but again, I have very mixed feelings about it. 

Hey are you busy right now?



Nope whats up.

I know. Trust me I’m not real excited about it. Thank you. I can help with yours if you need.


That was disgusting. And right now I need to make a treasure hunt for someone… Any interest in that being you, or would you rather be subjected to something else? I feel like I won’t get too many folks turning down a treasure hunt, so if it’s not your thing no biggie.

PM: Silas– kink question for ya. Do you like TPE? I was curious since Emrys mentioned that might be a thing on Sunday with Nate. You’re joining, right? – Auggie




PM: Yep I do. Nate and my relationship is basically a form of TPE at all times, obviously edited for ease of life. Yeah I am joining in. Is that okay with you?

No, you’re fine Silas. It sounds like you do love Nate. Not in a romantic way, sure, but still in the most important way that counts. I’m glad you’ve got that– seriously. And I appreciate your opinion, even if we want slightly different things.

I definitely love him, just not like how people think of it traditionally. We don’t say I love you to each other, but we have other things we say that mean we care. Not gonna lie, I feel pretty damn lucky. I’m not sure what I did to deserve him or the trial claim or really anything that’s happened in the last six months. I think you have a pretty common view on things, I’m sure you’ll have lots of choices and find someone fantastic soon. You don’t have any tasks left, do you?

Nah, Sorry. Both mine were snatched early this morning and I know one’s completed already.

PM: Silas– kink question for ya. Do you like TPE? I was curious since Emrys mentioned that might be a thing on Sunday with Nate. You’re joining, right? – Auggie




PM: Yep I do. Nate and my relationship is basically a form of TPE at all times, obviously edited for ease of life. Yeah I am joining in. Is that okay with you?

I know what you mean… okay. And yeah, I think with the right individual. I don’t view it as exclusive from romance though– I know I want that for certain. Subbing for Sebastian a few months ago made me realize that I can’t help those types of feelings developing, and I didn’t like the idea of being in a claim with a Dominant dating another Dominant, as much as I tried to convince myself it was cool. Dating Hunter just kind of reiterated those beliefs– romance is important to me. I’m going to love my Dominant and want to be there for them. And I want them to view me how I view them– romantically.

That being said… I’ve also come to realize though if my Dominant and I found the right individual, I’m open to the idea of a polyamorous relationship? Like if they claimed a second whom we’d both agreed upon.

Sorry– a bit off topic, I know. Just I immediately think about it when someone mentions romance. You have a TPE you said though? What are your thoughts? Any room for romance in that? Or do you think it’s possible to have both?

Well, it’s good to know what you want. That’s what school is for: to play around and figure out what exactly it is you want. So good first step if nothing else. And it’s good with the whole poly thing. I thought that having another sub with Nate and I would be super difficult at first, but the more we get into things, them ore I think having another sub around would be really nice. They could share chores and be someone I could talk to besides Nate about things, and well, threesomes are always a plus. But it will pro ably still take some getting used to to see someone else look at Nate the way I do. I think if I feel like they don’t care for him as much as I do, I  don’t think I’d be ale to accept them very easily.

I’m probably the worst person to ask about that honestly. I don’t really believe in love in the traditional ‘soul mate’, love forever, kind of way. I think love is fickle and fleeting and has a wandering eye. The ideal that one day someone could just wake up and not be in love with me anymore, after building a life together is terrifying and not something I even want to get into. Plus, for me, I think it would be far too difficult to switch between being a sub and being a boyfriend. I feel like fights would be unfair and infuriating and more often. I think the communication required would be insane and impossible to pull off. But really, it comes down to the fact that I have no interest in anything romantic with anyone ever. I’m quite happy with Nate just how we are and I don’t feel like anything is missing and I know I’m loved and taken care of and safe, for my life. …Wow that was mushier than I expected it to be. Sorry .

No, you’re fine Silas. It sounds like you do love Nate. Not in a romantic way, sure, but still in the most important way that counts. I’m glad you’ve got that– seriously. And I appreciate your opinion, even if we want slightly different things.

PM: Silas– kink question for ya. Do you like TPE? I was curious since Emrys mentioned that might be a thing on Sunday with Nate. You’re joining, right? – Auggie




PM: Yep I do. Nate and my relationship is basically a form of TPE at all times, obviously edited for ease of life. Yeah I am joining in. Is that okay with you?

Why the hell would I judge, Silas? I’d never judge.. I mean hell, you found someone who works for you. I’m envious, honestly. I really want that with someone, and part of me’s just curious to see what you guys are like outside of what I see on campus in public spaces. If anything, I’m hoping to take something positive away from it that helps me improve myself as a submissive.  

I don’t know, I guess it’s just a little nerve wracking letting someone see what our private relationship is like sometimes. I know you wound’t judge, it’s just a thing I felt like I had to say. You know? Like when you tell people to “drive safe” as if they weren’t already planning on it. So,you think you want some kind of TPE ish type claim? Do you want romance?

I know what you mean… okay. And yeah, I think with the right individual. I don’t view it as exclusive from romance though– I know I want that for certain. Subbing for Sebastian a few months ago made me realize that I can’t help those types of feelings developing, and I didn’t like the idea of being in a claim with a Dominant dating another Dominant, as much as I tried to convince myself it was cool. Dating Hunter just kind of reiterated those beliefs– romance is important to me. I’m going to love my Dominant and want to be there for them. And I want them to view me how I view them– romantically.

That being said… I’ve also come to realize though if my Dominant and I found the right individual, I’m open to the idea of a polyamorous relationship? Like if they claimed a second whom we’d both agreed upon.

Sorry– a bit off topic, I know. Just I immediately think about it when someone mentions romance. You have a TPE you said though? What are your thoughts? Any room for romance in that? Or do you think it’s possible to have both?

PM: Silas– kink question for ya. Do you like TPE? I was curious since Emrys mentioned that might be a thing on Sunday with Nate. You’re joining, right? – Auggie



PM: Yep I do. Nate and my relationship is basically a form of TPE at all times, obviously edited for ease of life. Yeah I am joining in. Is that okay with you?

I don’t think I have either. It should be fun. Just um, I get really subby and stuff so please don’t judge. Nate is really good at TPE stuff so he’s definitely a god person to experiment with it with.

Why the hell would I judge, Silas? I’d never judge.. I mean hell, you found someone who works for you. I’m envious, honestly. I really want that with someone, and part of me’s just curious to see what you guys are like outside of what I see on campus in public spaces. If anything, I’m hoping to take something positive away from it that helps me improve myself as a submissive.  

PM: Silas– kink question for ya. Do you like TPE? I was curious since Emrys mentioned that might be a thing on Sunday with Nate. You’re joining, right? – Auggie


PM: Yep I do. Nate and my relationship is basically a form of TPE at all times, obviously edited for ease of life. Yeah I am joining in. Is that okay with you?

110% fine with me, really. I’m actually looking forward to it. I’ve never done a scene with this many other submissives at once!
