Thoughts on all the break ups?


Must be something in the water, right? Or, maybe it’s what I’ve always said and getting together too soon is cause for major breakage. 

Well it’s clear the short-lived relationship of Wyatt Sylvester and Sebastian Smythe may seem like old news, but the seem to keep finding themselves at each other’s doors these days. Just can’t quit each other, can they? Well, seems true on another angle of that triangle with Tony Chang starting to make his way back into the kneeling position for both the Doms. 

I’d say I’m shocked about the break up of Auggie Wilde and Hunter Clarington, but spending that much time in the closet is bound to screw with a person. Maybe he denied he man feelings for so long, he now doesn’t know what to do with them.

Cady Schuester and Abel Berry was a bit of a shock, however. I’m not even really sure what happened there. Was it an issue with sharing? Maybe Abel couldn’t hold his own as a Dom. Maybe Cady was just a little too bratty. They way those two clam up, the world may never know.

Then there’s the two that didn’t make a single bit of sense to me, Davina Fabray and Ryder Lynn. They’re from the same town but clearly opposite sides of the tracks. Didn’t they learn from their siblings? Clearly, the Fabrays and the Lynns were never meant to be together. 


“Happy birthday, Auggie. All the school knows he dumped you.”

The presentations list is out. Any disasters in the making?


All of them? Alright, I suppose that’s not an answer. I’m interested to see what happens with Nate Lynn and Katelyn Hummel since they had such a public spat that seemed to last for weeks. Though, with Nate’s track record, he’ll probably just ignore her and hope the presentation goes away. The pairing of Adelaide St. James and Augustine Wilde should be fun. She’s a Domme against the system, and he’s the school’s favorite good boy. I wonder if she’ll be the anti climactic buzz kill I expect her to be. But the best I think is going to be Hunter Clarington and Thomas Sylvester. Neither of them submit and Hunter will really get to show his stuff in front of the Headmistress with her son. There will probably be fireworks.

I’m sure Miss Adelaide and I will do just fine… Even if I have those exact same worries… Hopefully the rumors aren’t true and she can at least come up with a creative scene that will please the Headmaster and Headmistress. At very least, I have no intentions of letting her, my family, or the Headmaster and Headmistress down. 

The presentations list is out. Any disasters in the making?


All of them? Alright, I suppose that’s not an answer. I’m interested to see what happens with Nate Lynn and Katelyn Hummel since they had such a public spat that seemed to last for weeks. Though, with Nate’s track record, he’ll probably just ignore her and hope the presentation goes away. The pairing of Adelaide St. James and Augustine Wilde should be fun. She’s a Domme against the system, and he’s the school’s favorite good boy. I wonder if she’ll be the anti climactic buzz kill I expect her to be. But the best I think is going to be Hunter Clarington and Thomas Sylvester. Neither of them submit and Hunter will really get to show his stuff in front of the Headmistress with her son. There will probably be fireworks.

I’m sure Miss Adelaide and I will do just fine… Even if I have those exact same worries… Hopefully the rumors aren’t true and she can at least come up with a creative scene that will please the Headmaster and Headmistress. At very least, I have no intentions of letting her, my family, or the Headmaster and Headmistress down. 

Kurt doesn’t deserve even one bit of the crap he’s being given today.


Well, I suppose half the school agrees with you while the other half had better not know who you are or they’ll rake you through hot coals. I’m inclined to disagree with you, but that’s just me. Regardless of whether he deserves it or not, there is a school full of Dominants who are not happy right now because this Dom Wide will be happening. 

[Private Reaction]

Oh jeez… Thank you whoever you are, but be careful posting stuff like this… I don’t want anyone else being the target of people’s anger about this right now. It’s bad enough…