Hey Robin, any chance you’re free tonight around 9pm? – Auggie




I think so, yea. Why, what’s up?


I need to build a human pyramid, so seeing how many people in the submissive dorms are free and willing to help. Would you be game? Please? You can be the top even, if you want.

Yeah, I could help out with that.

Thank you very much, Robin!



Robin saw the gun and the note and she couldn’t help but love the idea. It sounded way too fun. She grabbed the gun and some ammo, slinking out of the door and into the hallway. All Mission-Impossible style, slinking around corners until she came across someone with a gun. “Say your prayers, sucker,” she said, shooting and hoping she hit them before they hit her.

Augustine felt the bullet hit his backside, just missing where he had his own gun attached. “Augh!” He turned, whipping out his own gun and spotting who it was. “Well played, Robin Sylvester.. One point,” he replied in jest, grinning and keeping his own nerf gun pointed at her for a moment before running off in retreat. 




Well I’ll definitely be there but with any luck you won’t know it’s me until Monday lol

Definitely will be interesting… A part of me wishes we could remain anonymous… Opt out of prizes for the sake of nobody ever finding out, you know? I mean– to a degree, I still don’t get why the Headmasters are pushing for this type of dance. I like it, but I don’t fully see how it benefits us and is worth having us parade around as strangers for the night. They’re basically encouraging deceit, depending on how you look at it..? Again- not that I mind…

Why? What if you really hit it off with someone. Wouldn’t you wanna know who it is? Because some things are just for fun, Auggie. You’re reading entirely way too much into this. It’s a fun spin on a dance where none of us will have to serve because there’s no one allowed to have a date

Okay so sat I hit it off with someone… what if neither of us is even remotely like how we acted all night? Doesn’t amount to much is all I’m saying, but who knows. Maybe I’ll be proven wrong.


Well I’ll definitely be there but with any luck you won’t know it’s me until Monday lol

Definitely will be interesting… A part of me wishes we could remain anonymous… Opt out of prizes for the sake of nobody ever finding out, you know? I mean– to a degree, I still don’t get why the Headmasters are pushing for this type of dance. I like it, but I don’t fully see how it benefits us and is worth having us parade around as strangers for the night. They’re basically encouraging deceit, depending on how you look at it..? Again- not that I mind…




I think it helps to come up with a character to play that matches your costume. Kinda really changing who you are for the night.

I guess… Though if everyone acts drastically different than usual I could see that resulting in some interesting results. I think I’d still want to be myself to some degree– I mean.. to have fun. But I get where your’e gong. The theatre kids are probably having a field day with this.

You can’t think that much into it Augs. It’s one night. One night you get to be someone else. One night where you’re not held down by wondering what everyone else thinks or wants. One night where everyone’s on the same playing field. Sounds like a nice break to me

Fair point, and I’m looking forward to it. Perhaps I’ll see you there? And of course– perhaps no.


I think it helps to come up with a character to play that matches your costume. Kinda really changing who you are for the night.

I guess… Though if everyone acts drastically different than usual I could see that resulting in some interesting results. I think I’d still want to be myself to some degree– I mean.. to have fun. But I get where your’e gong. The theatre kids are probably having a field day with this.


I certainly hope not. It’s a masquerade! All the fun is in the mystery of it all. Plus, did you see the prizes!? Those are pretty hefty so I want a shot at winning them.

Oh yeah.. True. Hm. Maybe I’ll go back then and think of a way to add more to my own outfit– make it harder to tell it’s me, you know?


Well it’s still a nice offer. But two day shipping is amazing so I got most of it on line, though I already had a few things. I think it’ll be exciting to be around other people, not know who anyone is. It might be incredibly eye opening to find out who everyone was after it’s over.

Eh? You think word will get out who was who?