PM: Any chance you’re free tonight to swing by the submissive dorms around 9pm? – Auggie


PM: I’ll need to get Mistress Spencer’s permission, but I’m sure that won’t be an issue.  How come?

PM: I need to make a human pyramid for a task so I’m making one in the dorms tonight. I’ve already got Cady and Robin on board. I need at least one more.. granted I’m considering grabbing two more guys and we could have a set of nine if I set a timer on my phone to take the photo. 

Any chance you’ve still got a task, Monica? I’m about ready to give up on my current one– can’t get ahold of the individual required. – Auggie




Sadly, Silas just beat you to my last one!  Sorry, Auggie – I’m sure there are still some floating around though!

Like it? Love it? Or hated it?

I’m sure I’d have a different opinion now, but definitely not a fan back then.  Have to go with hated it.

Monica, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to meet someone I completely disagreed with– The Hobbit’s my favorite book! 


Any chance you’ve still got a task, Monica? I’m about ready to give up on my current one– can’t get ahold of the individual required. – Auggie



Sadly, Silas just beat you to my last one!  Sorry, Auggie – I’m sure there are still some floating around though!

I think once, back in high school?

Like it? Love it? Or hated it?

Any chance you’ve still got a task, Monica? I’m about ready to give up on my current one– can’t get ahold of the individual required. – Auggie


Sadly, Silas just beat you to my last one!  Sorry, Auggie – I’m sure there are still some floating around though!

It’s cool– have you read The Hobbit by chance?


I’ve been well, Sir, thank you.  Honestly?  I always find it hard to say.  We accomplished what we wanted to, but I never know for certain if it’s what the Heads wanted to see.

Hm.. Well, Blaine did point out something interesting that perhaps you want to try down the road? He said he worked with a friend to look at all of the previous A’s that were rewarded, and they tried to study what they all had in common in order to figure out how to best approach and receive good grades down the road. Perhaps it might be worth some time to study the feedback the Headmaster and Headmistress have handed out in the past yourself as well? Certainly can’t hurt, though I’ll give my fingers crossed that you did well this month regardless.


For me, yes, Sir.  And also because it’s like riding an amusement park ride – the adrenaline is high, you might be jostled around a lot, and it’s just safer to stick to light meals.

Ah. Fair enough– it’s certainly an interesting comparison, Monica.


My best advice, Sir, is start preparing as early as possible.  Talk to your partner as soon as possible, start working out details, and try to get together at least once to hash everything out.  Day of, I’d avoid heavy meals and make sure you get some sleep if you can.

Duly noted, Monica. Especially in regards to day off. Is avoiding heavy meals a nerves-thing?