My tasks:

My task one: Make up a sexy game and play it with someone

Completed by: Nick https://submissivelynick.tumblr.com/post/167328454201/sexy-game-bowie-nick-119

My task two: Do a scene in town with someone

Completed by: Caelan https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167305787348/task-1

My task three: Randomly break out in the safety dance every 65 minutes on the dot for 12 hours.

Assigned: Wyatt

My task four: Wear a diaper for the day.
Completed by: Monica https://theberrymonica.tumblr.com/post/167415805454/diapered-day

My personal points log:

1.  Alastair – Set up a psychiatric help booth (Lucy from Peanuts style) charge 10 cents and give terrible advice. 

Task: http://alastairxxdom.tumblr.com/post/167303104054/pm-could-i-have-one-of-your-tasks-please-sir

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167303418313/cheap-advice

2. Frankie – Masturbate to completion in the courtyard.

Task: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167328515503/pm-people-already-bug-you-for-all-your-asks-yet

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167347864313/frozen-afternoon-delight

3. Caelan – Start a Nerf War

Task: https://shuttercaelan.tumblr.com/post/167305209903/could-i-get-a-task-from-you

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167305635033/nerf-war

4. Sofia – Photograph a Virgin 

Task: http://sofiaxjones.tumblr.com/post/167307190863/pm-may-i-have-one-of-your-tasks-miss-auggie

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167328438628/text

5. Eden – Make someone jewelry using only what you can find in your bathroom and present it to someone as a gift.

Task: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167308487703/pm-got-a-task-left-by-chance-auggie

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167309361628/augustine-knocked-twice-on-rachels-door-deciding

6. Wilder –  throw a concert in the commons, dancing, singing and costume. 

Task: https://wilderandersuck.tumblr.com/post/167308707658/pm-hi-sir-has-anyone-asked-for-your-tasks-yet

Build up: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167316996438/pm-random-favor-to-ask-but-are-you-free-for-like

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167324810913/open-mic-night 

7. Santana – Pretend to be a character from your favorite movie until someone figures out who you are and says your character’s name.

Task: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167309978533/pm-what-are-the-odds-youve-got-a-task-left

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167310208923/pm-nice-impression-of-the-headmaster-there-i

9. Josie – Burst into every class like you’re the koolaid man 

Task: http://josieclarington.tumblr.com/post/167311377587/pm-got-any-tasks-left-by-chance-auggie

Build up: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167326487473/emryshudson-sub-emrys-couldnt-help-but-laugh-as

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167338277038/oh-yeah

10. Eva – Would you like to make someone’s ass red by using only things found in the kitchen, or make a full Thanksgiving style dinner?

Task: https://switchevacorcoran.tumblr.com/post/167312981687/pm-hello-miss-do-you-have-a-task-left-by

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167316626818/just-desserts-augustine-strode-casually-over-to

11.  Tobey – Get some nerf balls from the athletic dept and run around trying to catch people in your “pokeballs.”

Task: http://domtobeyrose.tumblr.com/post/167326740963/pm-any-chance-youve-got-a-task-left-sir

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167348361858/go-pok%C3%A9ball

12. Nick – Find someone who likes TPE

Task: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167326915158/pm-hey-guess-what-you-have-24-hours-to-find

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167327343978/pm-silas-kink-question-for-ya-do-you-like-tpe

13. Abel – Find a medical fact that Tony doesn’t already know 7PM

Task: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167413008453/got-any-tasks-left-sir-auggie

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167461611618/hey-tony-have-you-ever-heard-of-capgras

14.. Headmaster – Find someone who hates your favorite book.

Tasl: http://headmaster-shue.tumblr.com/post/167395150217/hello-headmaster-i-saw-your-conversation-with

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167399873003/any-chance-youve-still-got-a-task-monica-im

15. Cal –  Give someone a treasure hunt. 

Task: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167399823188/hey-roomie-you-still-looking-for-a-task

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167434675653/adventure-awaits

16. Bowie- Convince someone to marry you because the world is ending

Task: http://bowie-a-pierce.tumblr.com/post/167405993088/any-chance-you-have-a-task-now-sir-auggie 2PM

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167439305258/sir-i-need-to-talk-to-you-about-something

17. Nate – Find someone who’s favorite color is Yellow


Proof: http://cal-evans.tumblr.com/post/167420863043/hey-you-said-your-favorite-color-was-yellow

18. Avery – Give five different people blow jobs in one day

Task: http://averyxpierce.tumblr.com/post/167426009268/any-chance-youve-got-a-more-favorable-task-left

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167463761873/five-blowjobs-in-24-hours-averyxpierce-wilder

19. Kieran – Give someone a lap dance in the caf at lunch.

Task: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167433023568/yo-got-a-task-left-that-isnt-that-gross-pb-and

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167459571068/augustine-was-relieved-when-sofia-accepted-his

20. Gabriel – Build a Human Pyramid

Task: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167467985843/pm-do-you-have-a-task-i-could-take-by-chance

Proof: https://auggiewilde.tumblr.com/post/167473725238/build-a-six-person-all-sub-human-pyramid-with

Hey Tony– have you ever heard of Capgras Syndrome? – Auggie






I have, actually, it’s a fascinating syndrome. Imagine you thought someone you love was a complete stranger!


That makes sense– so much of your learning has focused on that then? Is there any field of study You aren’t familiar with then?

Probably neo-natal or anything involving obstetrics of gynecology.

Hm… interesting! So are you aware then that just 30% of women have orgasms from vaginal intercourse? Or that the average vagina is between 2.5-3.0 inches wide and 3.5 inches long, and can expand up to 200% for sex and child birth?

I did not know that about vaginal birth, no. Women are a lot more durable then men could ever be.

Understandable– you still know a whole hell of a lot more than most about medicine in general, and it’s really impressive!


Augustine was relieved when Sofia accepted his offer of a lapdance, as his short list of people he was comfortable giving one to was exceptionally short when he took out everyone he’d already had help him on a task. Even moreso, he wasn’t a dancer and shied away from most public related things when he could. He’d gotten a bit more confident in his body’s image over the last two months though, having worked out near daily as a coping mechanism for his breakup.

He made his way over to the Domme, pulling his phone out and opening up his music to play “Love So Soft.” It wasn’t his typical type of music, but had to admit it had a good beat when he’d heard it over the weekend and would work well for the task. He set it down beside her, blushing softly as he began to dance to the music, teasingly getting closer and closer to her until he slid into her lap, legs straddling her hips. Augustine’s relationship with Sofia had never been sexual, despite how much he cared about the other in addition to her obvious beauty, so he couldn’t help but feel nervous about the task in general. He rolled his body, stripping off his shirt for added effect and could feel his cheeks warming more as the song progressed. He could feel other eyes on him, adding to his already existing shyness, and the overall effect had him relieved when it was over. He was far more comfortable doing something sexual in public like blowing a guy or going down on a girl than he’d ever be doing something meant to be sexy and attention-catching like a lapdance.



Warm Up Activities

Augustine grinned, motioning for Emry’s to join him on the top bunk. “Strip down and join me?” He called. “Not sure Cal would appreciate if we potentially made a mess on his sheets,” he added with a chuckle. “Also FYI Nate gave the go so you might get lucky and get two blow jobs tonight… We’ll see. He could always still refuse to let any of us actually cum.”


Adventure Awaits!


Augustine printed out a fake map, sketching a weak outline of some of the school’s buildings along with a path to follow in order to find the treasure. He had a small box he painted to look like a treasure chest and threw a lock on it. The chest he hid behind the performing arts building, and the key just behind the Dominant dorm building, about half way along the path. If someone skipped to the end and just went to where the X was they’d find the box but never be able to unlock it.

Knowing Kieran would be who got the map, he decided to place a few small items in the chest the fellow sub might enjoy for the upcoming week, provided he found the chest.


Inside he threw a blindfold and pair of cuffs, not sure if the newer student already owned his own set, but simultaneously considering the items something nobody ever really had too many of. He also figured if someone beat Kieran to the chest, it was a prize just about anyone could use. 



Any chance you’ve still got a task, Monica? I’m about ready to give up on my current one– can’t get ahold of the individual required. – Auggie




Sadly, Silas just beat you to my last one!  Sorry, Auggie – I’m sure there are still some floating around though!

Like it? Love it? Or hated it?

I’m sure I’d have a different opinion now, but definitely not a fan back then.  Have to go with hated it.

Monica, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to meet someone I completely disagreed with– The Hobbit’s my favorite book! 


Go, Pokéball!

Augustine sighed, picking up one of the balls in his bag. Okay. He had to hit people with nerf balls and pretend to capture them. He knew Pokémon and was pretty sure most people did. Normally he’d have been more into the assignment, but he wasn’t really about hitting other people with objects, no matter how soft. The nerf gun war at least was opt in and only said to target others who’d opted in. This… Not really his thing, but fingers crossed nobody got pissed and took it in stride.

Auggie had found a Pikachu stuffed animal while out shopping the day prior with Caelan for Nerf guns, and had brought it as well tossing it on the ground in front of him before he stopped in front of the individual.


 “Alright, you’re mine!” He called out, hitting the play button on his phone so battle music played, audible to those close by.  He then threw the ball, aiming low as to not hit the individual in the face… And half praying it didn’t just go flying past them missing them entirely. “Go, Pokéball!”


@abelberry @bowie-a-pierce @averyxpierce @cal-evans @spencerfevans @subtonychang @tina-c-c @elijahbeiste @dancyjeffswitch @submissiveblaineanderson @thedeclancorcoran @domtobeyrose