Any chance I convince you to trade tasks with me, Sir? I’ve still got one if you’d like it, and I’m on the hunt for one more. -Auggie



You’re back? Have your quills lain flat again, then?

PM: … What the fuck is the “safety dance????” You can try to Cast a spell on Emrys.

PM: To be honest, I’m not sure? I know the song– perhaps it’s like this? (x)

And cast a spell??? That’s literally impossible. 

Warm Up Activities



Augustine grinned, motioning for Emry’s to join him on the top bunk. “Strip down and join me?” He called. “Not sure Cal would appreciate if we potentially made a mess on his sheets,” he added with a chuckle. “Also FYI Nate gave the go so you might get lucky and get two blow jobs tonight… We’ll see. He could always still refuse to let any of us actually cum.”


Emrys smiled at the fellow sub, stripped and climbed up onto the others bed “Well I don’t want to upset Cal so i’m happy to keep the mess to your bed.” He said with a wink his fingers trailing along the others stomach. Thinking about this was the first time Emrys had done anything with another Sub. Emrys laughed “Sounds like something Sir would do, and with our luck would happen.”

He out out a laugh, reaching for Emry’s hand and tugging him up towards him before gently pushing him onto the bed and moving on top of him. “Probably… but that’s why we’re meeting up first though, isn’t it?” He commented, sinking lower on Emrys’s frame and placing a kiss on his hips. “Only request I have of you is take a picture at some point before you cum, yeah? My phones right beside the pillow.”

Warm Up Activities

Augustine grinned, motioning for Emry’s to join him on the top bunk. “Strip down and join me?” He called. “Not sure Cal would appreciate if we potentially made a mess on his sheets,” he added with a chuckle. “Also FYI Nate gave the go so you might get lucky and get two blow jobs tonight… We’ll see. He could always still refuse to let any of us actually cum.”



Just let me know! Oooohh the idea of getting an orgasm before the night starts adn I probably wont get one. I’ll take it! 

Who knows– maybe you’ll get two? I asked Nate if I could go down on everyone tonight, but not sure what he’ll see. Anyways I’m just hanging out in my room now till we go over so feel free to swing by whenever. 


For you? Of course! “Get someone to quote Star Wars with out telling them”

Ack I saw what a pain that one was. I’ll pass, actually. Though I am curious to see someone pull it off! Perhaps if you have it still tomorrow I’ll bug you for it again, but I’ve got a few other ones to keep me busy till then… Speaking off– fancy a blowjob before we head to Nate’s?


Augustine yawned as Emrys and him walked from their first period class to the next, already done with the idea despite knowing he had to repeat the performance several more times throughout the day for his points. The plus side is Josie was in some of his classes– simple enough to provide proof. They each carried a few pieces of cardboard with a brick-design drawn on it under each arm and when they reached Augustine’s next class he let Emry’s go ahead, setting up all the cardboard in the entry way. Augustine meanwhile mentally prepped himself for the odd looks, giving it a moment before bursting through the fragile barrier, yelling “OH YEAH!” at the top of his lungs. 


“Mr. Wilde please clean up that mess and take a seat!” The teacher exclaimed, glancing up.” 

Fuck. “Yes, Sir.” He scrambled to pick up the pieces with Emrys and mumbled for the other sub to just get to his own class– they’d meet up after and proceed to repeat the actions the remainder of the day, much to Augustine’s embarrassment. 




Grimacing he sighed “Just a lot of stuff you probably don’t want to know the exact details, but if you want the list I will give it to you.” He said with a laugh before quickly stifling it down. Stepping back he took a breath “trust me i’m going to make the costume amazing! This will be perfect for you tomorrow Auggie!”

Augustine’s eyes widened, taking another sip of water. “Hey– that was a joke. Just the bricks. Bricks are fine. I don’t need a ridiculous costume, thanks.”