Hey there! I know we have class together, but we’ve never really chatted before. Figured now’s as good as a time as ever to say hello and introduce myself. Augustine Wilde– obviously a fellow submissive, and admittedly slight introvert. Not the best at introductions. How you enjoying this task-week thing? – Auggie


For the record, I think this was a pretty damn good introduction, so don’t sell yourself short! I’m Emmett St. James, also obviously a submissive and usually notably extroverted – but I guess my  remarkably anti-social behavior since coming here isn’t real telling of that. Anyway, nice to meet you!

As for the task-week thing, I’ve actually completely wasted it. I’m not planning to participate in bidding on anyone, so I didn’t do any tasks, thinking the points were for the auction only… Lo and behold, they also go towards graduation, so I basically fucked up. It’s all good, though. I’m sure I’ll have other chances to rack up some points. How about you?

Thanks! It’s nice to meet you outside of class too, and as for the tasks… I’m completely freaking exhausted. I’ve never tried this hard in a school event before and I’ve made a total fool of myself the last few days… Also just physically dragged down. I might have to call it quits after today to be honest, or else I’m going to end up hibernating the week of the auction. I fully intend to be a bidder.

Speaking of though– are you free tonight at 9pm by chance? I could use some help with a human pyramid I’m doing for one of the tasks actually. I have a whole group of us meeting up in the submissive dorms since it’s too cold to do it outside. My roommate Cal said he’s bringing peanut butter cookies too for everyone, so you know– extra incentive. Even if you don’t want to be in it, at this point I could be in it if I can’t find one more person for the bottom row, but I’d still need someone to take the photo. So like.. it would be super easy and very appreciated.