You free tonight at 9pm by chance? I could use another person for a human pyramid I’m trying to build in the dorms and would really appreciate the help. – Auggie



Of course!! I’d love to help. 

You’re welcome! See you then. I made some peanut butter cookies. I can bring them for all the pyramiders : ) 

Really? Kickass! Definitely looking forward to the snack after AV club. 

Hey roomie, you still looking for a task?



I am– and you?

Oh I know. Some of the tasks that seem easy actually turn out to be hard. I couldn’t find anyone who’s favorite color is yellow. Irony of it is that my favorite color is… yep you guessed it… yellow. 

Good luck with your tasks. Let me know if you need any help with anything. 


Thanks, you too!

Hey roomie, you still looking for a task?



I am– and you?

I guess. Maybe. Probably. What do you need to complete it? 

I don’t know how to do the safety dance so I guess I’ll be wearing a diaper. I hope Cady knows the safety dance. Thanks Auggie.

Actually Monica just saved my ass on the one– I had to find someone who hated my favorite book. A lot harder than I realized!

And that sounds good, I’ll let Cady know. 

Hey roomie, you still looking for a task?



I am– and you?

Cool. So the task I have left is to give someone a treasure hunt. I’m not sure. I do need points to bid on Sir Jeff, but I still have a task I haven’t finished. Are yours hard to do? 

Do you struggle to multitask? I’ve got a few tasks open right now, but it’s because I can’t get ahold of an individual I need for one of them, and the other well.. I’ve asked a lot of people and frankly may never find someone to complete it. 

I’ll totally take the task if you don’t mind though? As for you, yeah mine aren’t too bad. I promised Cady I’d let her know when I had one, but since she hasn’t gotten back to me yet you’ve got first pick. Would you like to either A. Randomly break out in the safety dance every 65 minutes on the dot for 12 hours. or else B. Wear a diaper for the day?

PM: Wouldn’t happen to have a task left, would ya? -Auggie





PM: I do. I haven’t traded any yet. Do you have any? 

PM: Exactly. They sure didn’t make it easy, either. It’s nuts– volunteers get 300 points and we’d have to do 15 tasks to get that!! It’s literally not possible with how few tasks, and I’d really like to go up a level… positive news to tell my mom before the holidays, you know?

PM: Well I’m not particularly interested in points at the moment. Mostly I just want to be able to bid on my friend Sir Jeff (though just between you and me I’m kind of full on terrified of the whole domming thing!!!). So if you need more points maybe I can give back any that I get and then you can ask them for it. Or however that would work. I totally get wanting to make your mom happy. 

PM: I don’t think it works like that… or that the faculty would allow it. I really appreciate the thought though!! That’s really nice. I’m hoping to bid too (no worries, Jeff’s all yours) but the points aspect is definitely more important to me.

PM: Wouldn’t happen to have a task left, would ya? -Auggie




PM: I do. I haven’t traded any yet. Do you have any? 

PM: Oh! I wasn’t asking for me- I was going to ask if you’d reach out to Josie. She asked me earlier and I think she’s having trouble finding someone with tasks.

PM: Oh, absolutely. I’ll send it to her. I know that feeling and I’d really like to help her. We’re all in it together right? 

PM: Exactly. They sure didn’t make it easy, either. It’s nuts– volunteers get 300 points and we’d have to do 15 tasks to get that!! It’s literally not possible with how few tasks, and I’d really like to go up a level… positive news to tell my mom before the holidays, you know?

PM: Wouldn’t happen to have a task left, would ya? -Auggie




PM: I do. I haven’t traded any yet. Do you have any? 

PM: No, though I haven’t heard back yet from Nick about one I gave him, so there’s a chance it frees up tomorrow. Sorry. 😦

PM: That’s okay. I understand. I should have been quicker. So anyway here is the one I have for you….  Act out your favorite movie as if Shakespeare wrote it. Pretty fun huh? I have one but I don’t know how I’m gonna do it. 

PM: Oh! I wasn’t asking for me- I was going to ask if you’d reach out to Josie. She asked me earlier and I think she’s having trouble finding someone with tasks.