Any chance you’re free tonight around 9pm? – Auggie



Yeah, I should be. What’s up?

I wore a sweater outside. And shoes. I figured that was allowed to avoid frostbite.

I’d hope so– safety first, you know? How was it otherwise? I’d imagine it attracted a lot of attention at the very least?

Ever read The Hobbit? – Auggie




I haven’t. I never got into Tolkien. I tried the Two Towers and I just couldn’t.


No, sorry… I haven’t received any new ones yet. 😦

Ugh. I totally call one when you do though.

Ha! Can you even do that??? If so, I want to ‘call’ one of yours! 😛 I’m technically stuck I think unable to ask for any until I get more myself, so a bit of a fish outta the water at the moment. I’ll message you when I get some though okay?