Got any tasks left, Sir? – Auggie



Text: Randomly break out in the safety dance every 65 minutes on the dot for 12 hours.

Text: Work for you?


Text: I’ve got 

Text: Get Nate Lynn to let you drive his truck 

Text: Find a medical fact that Tony doesn’t already know

Text: Medical fact for 300, Trebek. 

Text: (Thanks, Sir!)

Got any tasks left, Sir? – Auggie


Text: Randomly break out in the safety dance every 65 minutes on the dot for 12 hours.

Text: Work for you?


Text: Any chance you have a different task, Sir? That one’s going to overlap with orders I have tonight… I mean… I could still attempt, but if there’s something less time extensive you could offer, I’d seriously appreciate it. 


New Year in NY is definitely a selling point, for sure but I feel like you have to at least be somewhat willing to be in that position to sign up, right? Like if you’re 100% uncomfortable with the thought of being in that position then I don’t think it’s really worth it.

True.. I know a lot of subs considering bidding are hoping for Dominants that are openly comfortable with the idea in general in addition to simply picking someone they know. 


I think if anyone had a real issue with being submissive to a submissive then they were kind of dumb to sign up, if I’m being honest. The whole point is anyone could win, ya know? More power to the submissives that bid.

I couldn’t agree more, Sir… I suppose I’m just curious. I mean– it’s a pretty nice ‘participation award’ for individuals who signed up, so I’m expecting some are 100% only doing it for that, and may not actually be as open to the idea as others.