
It usually seems to work out pretty well in my experience. I mean, my parents’ relationship is pretty much spot-on. I honestly don’t know if I’d have been able to pick my designation on my own, so it was nice to have someone look at me and figure it out for me.

…Definitely a submissive. In your experience? I mean– all a lot of us have to go off of is our parents and those of friends, unless we have older siblings… I don’t mean to offend you when I say this, but don’t you think there’s a bit of bias there? 

And A New Group Emerges


Hopefully you’re all finding your way quickly and easily. Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Headmaster Schuester and one of the head administrators here at Lima Heights Institute. I understand that things are hectic at first, but let’s all remember our manners and our places. No one wants to spend their first night here in the dungeons.

I’m Kurt Hummel– it’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir– but Dungeons? And on day one? …Not that I think anyone will misbehave on their first day here, but surely that’s a joke, right Sir?


I mean, if you think about it it sort of makes sense. But then again it doesn’t. It’s all very confusing and hurts my head. Plus, I wasn’t raised around this, so it’s all new and stuff, but hey…how hard can it be?

Aw sweetheart– your head hurts? Do you need to see a nurse?

What do you mean you weren’t raised around this? Around what?


Maybe, darlin’. But…it’s always always been like that. Since…like, the beginning of time. Or the 30′s or whatever. We all knew this would happen

Knew what would happen? That we’d be separated from family and friends based on a few adults who have degrees or certifications or whatever claiming they’re qualified to mark us based on an interview? What if they mess up? I mean.. I guess mistaking a Dominant for a sub isn’t super likely and it’s more likely they mess up a Switch with one of them, but still.

At least it’s done now.. Nothing to be done now really except accept it… As you said we all knew this would happen.

Not that I disagree with my designation as a Dominant– because I don’t…But I can’t help but think it’s a bit insane that institutions and these boards have such great control over everyone’s lives deciding who is what mark and all that. 


Name: Kurt Hummel
Designation (Dom, Switch, sub): Dom
Age: 20
Faceclaim: Chris Colfer
Birthday: August 30th
Orientation: Homosexual

Kurt’s Kinks: Bondage, Humiliation, Dirty Talk, Biting, Marking, Orgasm Denial, Chastity, Praise, and open to learning about potential new kinks. 

Scat, Watersports, Needles, Infantilism.  

(Just ask if not listed above anywhere.)  

Kurt has always marched to his own drummer and he reveled in it. He enjoyed that he was different, even if it meant other people didn’t like it. He gave opinions not everyone agreed with, argued for others who couldn’t fight for themselves, and made his stances well known to anyone who wanted to hear them. He fought for the little guy and fought for the voiceless. Overall, Kurt has a big heart and is always willing to help a friend, no matter what the cost to himself. Kurt was well known to put others first – whether it was friends, family or someone he just met, there was nothing he would not do to help.