Any new gossip?? Things have gotten pretty dull around here.


Dull!? How dare you!

Well the Ball was certainly something to get excited about. Seems some old flames may have rekindled beneath the anonymous masks when Auggie Wilde and Hunter Clarington got together. But let’s not forget the drama of Hunter having flirted with Auggie and then making out with his sister, Frankie Wilde. Speaking of the blonde Domme, she definitely got some action on the dance floor between Elijah Beiste getting on his knees for her and the sparks sparking between her and the big bad wolf himself, Sam Evans.

Boy, did people get into their costumes! Of course, the winners of the contest were the best liars of who they were, but there are definite honorable mentions of Silas Karofsky, Blaine Anderson, Orion Chang and Bowie Pierce!

Hunter and I aren’t together, nor did we ‘get together’ at the dance, Jacob. Sheesh.

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